Tag: Beat Autoimmune


How I Beat MS

“How I Reversed Multiple Sclerosis” is a presentation by Palmer Kippola that took place at Silicon Valley Health Institute on December 15, 2016.

Busting 6 Autoimmune Myths and Misperceptions

Most conventional medical doctors have not been trained in treating autoimmune conditions. No wonder myths and misperceptions persist.

“How I Beat MS” in What Doctors Don’t Tell You (WDDTY)!

Contrary to popular, outdated belief, autoimmune conditions like MS are reversible and preventable. If I can do it YOU can do it too!

Top 6 Autoimmune Triggers You Control: Infections

Infections and autoimmune conditions go hand in hand. Learn about the common infection connection and what you can do to clear infections and beat autoimmune.

Top 6 Autoimmune Triggers: Start With Food

No doubt about it, food offers the biggest bang for your buck in terms of healing. Just removing your trigger foods and adding in nourishing ones can put you well on your way to healing, reversing and preventing autoimmune conditions. Learn which ones are the culprits and which ones are beneficial.

5 Giant Leaps Enable You to Beat Autoimmune

Exciting advances in autoimmune disease research and understanding over the past decade put the power of prevention and reversal into your hands.

Love Yourself First

Self-love is essential for your health and wellbeing. Learn seven simple self-care strategies to fill yourself up. What will you do today?

Melanie Persisted and Beat Crohn’s, Colitis, Hashimoto’s, and Lupus!

Healing IS possible, even if it take 37 years. Melanie persisted, took personal responsibility, and focused on WHY she was sick, until she wasn't. A root cause warrior!

Raise Your Metabolism to Clear Infections and Beat Autoimmune

A low and slow metabolism (hypometabolism) is associated with autoimmunity and greater risk of infections. Learn simple strategies to raise your metabolism to clear infections and beat autoimmune.

How to Beat Autoimmune with Palmer Kippola on the Dr. Hedberg Podcast

Functional Medicine expert, Dr. Nik Hedberg interviewed me about how you can beat autoimmune conditions following the F.I.G.H.T.S.™ framework.
Food Bowl

What's the best diet to beat autoimmune? The one that works for YOU.

Your FREE Optimal Food Guide will help you discover your trigger foods, learn about occasional foods, and land on your optimal foods. To your best health!