Healing From Toxic Mold with Jill Carnahan, MD
Mold is something that needs to be discussed openly because if it’s ignored, it can be the foe that takes you down or keeps you down if you’re trying to heal from complex chronic autoimmune challenges.
Mold is something that needs to be discussed openly because if it’s ignored, it can be the foe that takes you down or keeps you down if you’re trying to heal from complex chronic autoimmune challenges.
Elyse joins me to discuss self-care, which is an essential, timely, and yet often overlooked topic, especially when it comes to healing from an autoimmune disorder.
Linda educates us about gut health. The gut is the largest and most important immune system in our body, and healing it is a crucial component to reversing autoimmune conditions.
Linda walks us through the intricate process of detoxifying the body naturally, healing from a root cause perspective, and recognizing key symptoms to watch for. Linda also offers practical steps to begin detoxifying in a safe and effective way.
I’m thrilled to have Dr. Rawls with me today to dive into the realm of herbs and how they are foundational for healing chronic Lyme co-infections and other autoimmune illnesses and supporting a long healthy life.
Nagina Abdullah is a weight-loss coach for women in midlife. Nagina has a degree in Molecular and Cell Biology from UC Berkeley and she earned an MBA from NYU. She has helped more than 1,500 women in midlife successfully lose weight permanently through healthy lifestyle changes.