Tag: Hashimoto’s

Hillery Nye Beat Lupus, Sjogren’s, Hashimoto’s, and More and Discovered a Passion for Cooking

Hillery beat lupus, Sjogren’s, Hashimoto’s with the help of her dogs and a book and developed a passion for cooking.

Hillery Beat Lupus with the Help of Her Dogs and a Book

A woman knocked down by lupus, Hashimoto's, Sjogren's, and Raynaud's reclaims her health by taking control of her health and and caring for her dogs.

Top 6 Autoimmune Triggers: Hormone Imbalances

To reverse and prevent autoimmune conditions you must address your root causes head on. Good news: hormones are downstream from the other F.I.G.H.T.S.™ factors! Learn how to balance your hormones naturally to beat autoimmune.

Melanie Persisted and Beat Crohn’s, Colitis, Hashimoto’s, and Lupus!

Healing IS possible, even if it take 37 years. Melanie persisted, took personal responsibility, and focused on WHY she was sick, until she wasn't. A root cause warrior!

Twelve Years, A Dozen Diseases, One Sweet Victory

A young woman's incredible journey, from active college student, to bedridden patient with 12 diseases and 17 medications, to educated, empowered and fully healed nutrition counselor.

Nan’s Health Awakenings

Nan's path to healing from an "unspecified autoimmune disorder" and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis involved discovering and removing her triggers and taking personal responsibility for her happiness.
Food Bowl

What's the best diet to beat autoimmune? The one that works for YOU.

Your FREE Optimal Food Guide will help you discover your trigger foods, learn about occasional foods, and land on your optimal foods. To your best health!