Tag: Paleo

Hillery Beat Lupus with the Help of Her Dogs and a Book

A woman knocked down by lupus, Hashimoto's, Sjogren's, and Raynaud's reclaims her health by taking control of her health and and caring for her dogs.

Melanie Persisted and Beat Crohn’s, Colitis, Hashimoto’s, and Lupus!

Healing IS possible, even if it take 37 years. Melanie persisted, took personal responsibility, and focused on WHY she was sick, until she wasn't. A root cause warrior!

Baby Steps to Beat Autoimmune and Prevent Worse COVID-19 Outcomes

Getting healthy and staying healthy doesn't have to be complicated. Baby steps are fine, as long as you keep moving forward.

Seven Simple Strategies to Beat Autoimmune and Prevent COVID-19

Getting healthy and staying healthy doesn't have to be complicated. Baby steps are fine, as long as you keep moving forward.
Lyme, CFS and Fibro-Free

Melani Reverses Lyme, Chronic Fatigue, and Fibromyalgia with Ancestral Lifestyle

A young woman knocked back by mysterious autoimmune illnesses: Lyme, CFS/ME and fibromyalgia reclaims her health with an ancestral lifestyle and energy medicine.
Food Bowl

What's the best diet to beat autoimmune? The one that works for YOU.

Your FREE Optimal Food Guide will help you discover your trigger foods, learn about occasional foods, and land on your optimal foods. To your best health!