Inner strength and a book helped Laura beat rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

Determined to take control of her life, Laura found Functional Medicine and persisted until she beat rheumatoid arthritis!
Hillery Beat Lupus with the Help of Her Dogs and a Book

A woman knocked down by lupus, Hashimoto’s, Sjogren’s, and Raynaud’s reclaims her health by taking control of her health and and caring for her dogs.
“How I Beat MS” in What Doctors Don’t Tell You (WDDTY)!

Contrary to popular, outdated belief, autoimmune conditions like MS are reversible and preventable. If I can do it YOU can do it too!
Melanie Persisted and Beat Crohn’s, Colitis, Hashimoto’s, and Lupus!

Healing IS possible, even if it take 37 years. Melanie persisted, took personal responsibility, and focused on WHY she was sick, until she wasn’t. A root cause warrior!
Why Exercise is My Autoimmune Quality-Of-Life-Preserver

We are all familiar with many of the benefits of exercise, but did you know it can also elevate your mood and help you stay on the autoimmune healing path?
Teresa Beats Hashimoto’s, Migraines, CFS and IBS!

“The only way to recover is to listen to your body, find what works, and take charge!” – Teresa Sullivan In the Beginning My health story begins when I was a young girl of 11 or 12. I was an active kid growing up in the suburbs of the San Francisco Bay Area. Raised on […]
Melani Reverses Lyme, Chronic Fatigue, and Fibromyalgia with Ancestral Lifestyle

A young woman knocked back by mysterious autoimmune illnesses: Lyme, CFS/ME and fibromyalgia reclaims her health with an ancestral lifestyle and energy medicine.
14-Year-Old Romy Beating MS

A 14-year old struck with MS collaborates with her mom and functional medicine practitioner to recover her function and soar.
Beating Anxiety and IBS With Meditation and a Low Carb High Fat Diet

A Canadian mom defies her doctors’ orders to “eat less, move more” and has success healing her anxiety and IBS with meditation and a LCHF diet.