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Adrian Klaphaak is the founder of A Path That Fits, a holistic career and life coaching company that serves clients all over the world. His company IS his life’s work – his path that fits. He’s poured all of himself into creating the most effective and meaningful coaching programs possible because he wholeheartedly believes that everyone has a path that fits, and he knows what a difference it makes to find it. Adrian’s formal training comes from The Coaches Training Institute, Hakomi Mindfulness & Somatic Psychology, and Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS). He’s one part coach, one part purpose guide, one part entrepreneur, and one part therapist. He’s also studied mindfulness meditation, rites of passage, and has a deep reverence for nature and its wisdom.
Now, you may be wondering, What in the world does career coaching have to do with autoimmune healing? Here’s my short answer: healing is about becoming who you truly are, whole and aligned with your authentic self, mind, body, and spirit.
I personally worked with Adrian many years ago when I was struggling with finding my own path that fit. While I was good at and enjoyed my corporate roles in high tech sales and marketing I intuitively knew that these jobs in the corporate world weren’t the meaning I was seeking or my life’s purpose. That there was something else deeper, more meaningful, and more authentically me that I was seeking, and Adrian helped me Find My Path That Fit.
Today I’m thrilled to be able to have a meaningful conversation with Adrian about alignment, about finding purpose, about becoming more YOU.
“There is a lot of vitality, wellness, and health in doing work that you love and feel aligned with.”
02:22 Adrian shares his own career crisis and mismatch
06:24 Back pain and sciatica was a big catalyst for change but would last 15 years
10:22 The birth of Adrian’s daughter was the event that brought healing and a pursuit of mind-body medicine
14:51 Adrian discovers that he was not in touch with internal anger and grief; that being a people-pleaser, a nice guy, and putting pressure on himself to achieve was keeping him from expressing more difficult emotions.
17:51 My riff on the autoimmune personality types: people pleaser, perfectionist, overachiever, striver, and the added risk for autoimmune issues decades later
22:15 One of the things Adrian sees often in clients is, “What I thought I should be doing…;” or “Because my parents wanted me to do this…” or “I grew up without resources…”
24:26 I share my experience working with Adrian in 2012 when I was trying to find my path that fit.
33:29 Adrian highlights the steps of his process for career change
38:20 The importance of the informational interview
39:50 How doing a career change “test drive” can make the change easier, more real, and more natural
47:00 How pain or illness can be a huge teacher or catalyst for growth. And how it’s about doing the best we can while still being human.
51:23 Where to find Adrian and a bit about his group coaching program.
If you live in the continental U.S. and are ready, willing, and able to invest in your best health, I offer Functional Medicine Total Health Transformation Programs over Zoom in collaboration with a skilled naturopathic doctor (ND). Get on my calendar for a free 30-minute discovery call.
This comprehensive book is the first to explore all six of the critical lifestyle factors that are the root causes of autoimmune conditions – and the sources of regaining health. Foreword by Mark Hyman, MD
Palmer is a certified Functional Medicine Health Coach who has helped thousands of people reverse autoimmune conditions based on her own two-decade battle to successfully beat multiple sclerosis (MS). She’s the author of the Amazon #1 bestselling book, Beat Autoimmune, which has a powerful foreword by Functional Medicine pioneer, Mark Hyman, MD.