Monthly Archives: November 2020


Chef Courtney Beat Rheumatoid Arthritis with Functional Medicine

Chef Courtney Contos struggled for years with disabling pain which she hid and tried to live with. Until she reconnected with a childhood friend who had become a Functional Medicine doctor.

Hillery Beat Lupus, Sjogren’s, Hashimoto’s and Discovered a Passion for Cooking

Hillery has a powerful story of completely reversing lupus, Sjogren’s, Raynaud’s, Hashimoto’s, depression, and more!

Holly Beat Scleroderma and Became a Health Coach

When Holly started experiencing severe Scleroderma symptoms of skin hardening, pain, and stiffness, she sought Functional Medicine solutions and healed.
Food Bowl

What's the best diet to beat autoimmune? The one that works for YOU.

Your FREE Optimal Food Guide will help you discover your trigger foods, learn about occasional foods, and land on your optimal foods. To your best health!