How to Beat Autoimmune

Without Doctors, Drugs, or Drama

Do Any of These Problems Sound Like You?

Your body and joints ache and flare, forcing you to sit on the sidelines while life goes on around you.

You’re too exhausted to care for your kids, spend quality time with your partner, friends, or parents, or tackle the items on your growing to-do list.

Chronic tummy troubles have you running to the bathroom or barely going at all.

You’re starting to forget words and wonder what else you’re forgetting.

A thick fog clouds your thinking, making it harder to focus and get things done.

A thick fog clouds your thinking, making it harder to focus and get things done.

You're anxious about your health, which adds another layer of stress.

Not to mention the small fortune you’re spending to feel better

Note: All costs are average per person out of pocket per year. Click on pink footnotes for sources.

Meds for chronic disease average $8,900 annually

The average hospital stay runs $4,659

Sleeping pills cost around $2,000

Out of pocket medical costs average $1,100

Complementary health approaches add another $500

It would be one thing if these worked.