Submit Your Testimonial

Thank you so much for making the time to record a brief, honest review. Whether we have worked one-on-one or whether you have benefited from your experience in Beat Autoimmune Academy people will be eager to hear from you.

Consider these questions:

  • Was it a beneficial experience?

  • How specifically have you benefited?

  • Did you have any transformations, mind, body, or spirit?

  • Were you able to make lasting habit changes?

  • Are you moving toward vibrant health and wellbeing?

Here are some video tips:

  • Make sure light is shining on your face, not behind you

  • If you make a mistake or stumble, that’s totally fine. We may edit these videos for clarity and length, but we will keep your story intact.

  • Don’t worry about scripting your video. Just look straight into the camera and speak from your heart.

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